How much is a bouquet?

This varies according to season, flower choices, and size of the bouquet. We are budget conscious and can help you with this process with respect and understanding.

Do we need to purchase glassware and vases?

Generally no. We collect everything at the end of the evening. We can use your vases if you choose. If flowers are going to be given away to friends and family, beautiful and economical vessels will be used.

Are there extra charges and fees?

No. Our prices reflect delivery, moving of pieces to the reception for setup, and removal at the end of the night.

Can we do a DIY wedding?

Buckets of flowers can be selected in your color palette for you to arrange. Contact us to learn more!

Can I make changes?

Absolutely! We talk one month before the wedding. Minor changes can happen until ten days before the wedding.

Do you have arbors, décor, ETC. to rent?

We have an amazing selection that can be emailed to you upon request.

Do you Farm-grow all of the wedding flowerS USED?

The floral farm is about one acre with fields of peonies and cut flowers lovingly grown for your wedding. They are grown using organic and sustainable practices. The amount of our unique florals grown will be increased every year from now on, but are supplemented with flowers from floral wholesalers and local flower farmers.

If my wedding is in winter, what are my floral design options?

In winter, when our farm is not an option, flowers will be purchased from floral wholesalers that we have wonderful relationships with from 20+ years of weddings!

Can we visit the farm?

The farm is not available for drop-in visits, however, we do schedule bridal consultations here, and have many exciting plans for future workshops, where we will happily host visitors.